I.W.O. Serlie, R.E. van Gelder, J. Stoker, R. Truyen, F.A. Gerritsen, et al.
In Proceedings of VisSym, 2001
I.W.O. Serlie, F.M. Vos, R.E. van Gelder, J. Stoker, R. Truyen, et al.
Anna Vilanova, R. Wegenkittl, A. König, and Meister Eduard Groeller
Anna Vilanova, R. Wegenkittl, A. König, and Meister Eduard Groeller
In Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Conference Proceedings, 2001
Anna Vilanova, R. Wegenkittl, and Meister Eduard Groeller
Comput Animat Virtual Worlds, 2001
Willem F. Bronsvoort, Rafael Bidarra, and Alex Noort
Geometric Modelling: Theoretical and Computational Basis towards Advanced CAD Applications, 2001
Michal Koutek and Frits H. Post
In Proceedings of EGVE/IPT, 2001
Anna Vilanova, R. Wegenkittl, A. König, E. Sorantin, and Meister Eduard Groeller
In Proceedings of VisSym, 2001
E. Sorantin, E. Balogh, Anna Vilanova, K. Palagyi, and L. G. Nyul
In Proceedings of {ISPA'01}- {IEEE} R8-{EURASIP} Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2001
Anna Vilanova
PhD Thesis, 2001
Rafael Bidarra, Eelco van den Berg, and Willem F. Bronsvoort
In Proceedings of Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications, 2001
Rafael Bidarra, Eelco van den Berg, and Willem F. Bronsvoort
In Proceedings of Tenth Portuguese Conference on Computer Graphics, 2001
Rafael Bidarra, Eelco van den Berg, and Willem F. Bronsvoort
In Proceedings of ASME 2001 Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2001


Ari Sadarjoen and Frits H. Post
Computers & Graphics, 2000
Michal Koutek and Frits H. Post
In Proceedings of EGVE, 2000
Two spheres partly overlapping. Meshes generated by Marching Cubes (left) and SNERT (right). Both meshes have the same number of triangles.
P.W. de Bruin, F.M. Vos, Frits H. Post, S.F. Frisken-Gibson, and A.M. Vossepoel
In Proceedings of MICCAI, 2000
R. Wegenkittl, Anna Vilanova, B. Hegedust, D. Wagner, M. C. Freund, and Meister Eduard Groeller
In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization, 2000
Cellular Model
Rafael Bidarra and Willem F. Bronsvoort
In Proceedings of GMP, 2000
Architecture of the Spiff Feature Modeller
Rafael Bidarra and Willem F. Bronsvoort
Comput Aided Des, 2000