Scenes used for our tests
Leonardo Scandolo and Elmar Eisemann
In Proceedings of Proceedings of the Conference on High-Performance Graphics, 2022
A visual comparison between vertex position, vertex normal, and face normal filtering methods
Sunil Kumar Yadav, Martin Skrodzki, Eric Zimmermann, and Konrad Polthier
Mijael Ricardo Bueno Perez and Rafael Bidarra
In Proceedings of FDG, 2022
Mijael Ricardo Bueno Perez and Rafael Bidarra
In Proceedings of FDG, 2022


A Large-Scale Evaluation of Shape-Aware Neighborhood Weights and Neighborhood Sizes
Martin Skrodzki and Eric Zimmermann
Comput Aided Des, 2021
Our method decreases error for wavelength-dependent scattering in the presence of non-uniformly distributed emission, reflectance, and transmission throughout the scene
Mark van de Ruit and Elmar Eisemann
Computer Graphics Forum, 2021
Wineglass with dispersive dielectric materials with 32 samples per pixel. As can be seen, our reweighted schemes improve upon uniform and stratified samples and produces much smoother result in terms of color noise. Significant improvements can be observed in low discrepency sequences. All results are plotted in log-log scale.
Jerry Guo and Elmar Eisemann
Computer Graphics Forum, 2021
Maxim Mozgovoy, Mike Preuss, and Rafael Bidarra
IEEE Trans Games, 2021
Visualization showing safety margin around fiber tracks
Faizan Siddiqui, Thomas Höllt, and Anna Vilanova
Computer Graphics Forum, 2021
A proposed interactive workflow for our mixed-initiative approach. We arbitrarily chose the steps shown in this illustration.
Mijael Bueno, Elmar Eisemann, and Rafael Bidarra
In Proceedings of ICIDS, 2021
An example of our AR visualisation to plan a craniotomy. A phantom skull is used for our evaluations
Joost Wooning, Mohamed Benmahdjoub, Theo van Walsum, and Ricardo Marroquim
In Proceedings of Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine, 2021
Illustration of the main game loop
Erik Blokland, Caroline Cullinan, Doreen Mulder, Willie Overman, Marin Visscher, et al.
In Proceedings of ICIDS, 2021
Game interface for various purposes
Dennis Bohm, Bob Dorland, Rico Herzog, Ryan B. Kap, Thijmen S. L. Langendam, et al.
In Proceedings of CoG, 2021
Left: Visible layer transitions where bin boundaries cut through primitives. Right: Smooth layer transitions improve the results but artifacts are still visible.
Fabian Friederichs, Martin Eisemann, and Elmar Eisemann
In Proceedings of Graphics Interface, 2021
Main steps of text generation for a math problem
Yi Xu, Roger Smeets, and Rafael Bidarra
Int J Serious Games, 2021
Implemented sailing maneuvers analysis pipeline used to locate maneuvers in a stabilized video and visualize these intervals
Gijs M. W. Reichert , Marcos Pieras, Ricardo Marroquim, and Anna Vilanova
Vis Comput Ind Biomed Art, 2021
Thomas Ortner, Andreas Walch, Rebecca Nowak, Robert Barnes, Thomas Höllt, and Meister Eduard Groeller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021
Sail shape variation due wind changing for clip “near_4k_08.mp4”. a Frame 60. b Frame 210. c Frame 330
Luiz Maciel, Ricardo Marroquim, Marcelo Vieira, Kevyn Ribeiro, and Alexandre Alho
Mach Vis Appl, 2021
Initial view of SailVis where the coach can inspect the sail shape at different levels
Danfeng Mu, Marcos Pieras, Douwe Broekens, and Ricardo Marroquim
In Proceedings of EuroVis (Short Papers), 2021
Left: Horizon-based ambient occlusion (HBAO) uses only a depth map and underestimates occlusion due to hidden geometry. Right: Our stochastic-depth HBAO captures occluded geometry stochastically (2ms in full HD).
Jop Vermeer, Leonardo Scandolo, and Elmar Eisemann
Proc ACM Comput Graph Interact Tech, 2021