In Proceedings of FDG

Wrath of Osiris: surviving boredom and collapsing pyramids in times of isolation

Ashwin Sitaram, Jelle Römer, Jurriën Theunisz, Marnix Massar, Niels Mook, Marie Kegeleers, and Rafael Bidarra

Full game overview

When people need to stay quarantined at home for long periodsof time, loneliness, lack of exercise and boredom tend to affectthem more frequently and strongly. Games combining physicalexercise, challenging gameplay, and social cooperation can combatthese negative phenomena. This paper describes one such game. InWrath of Osiris, actual player movement in the real world is used asan input method, in order to get some exercise. The players needto work together, to promote feelings of camaraderie and teamspirit. Lastly, the issue of boredom is tackled by an increasinglychallenging game setting. Commonly available technology, such asimage processing via a webcam and networking are used to offer asolution to a wide range of people.

More Information



Ashwin Sitaram, Jelle Römer, Jurriën Theunisz, Marnix Massar, Niels Mook, Marie Kegeleers, and Rafael Bidarra, Wrath of Osiris: surviving boredom and collapsing pyramids in times of isolation, In Proceedings of FDG, 2020.


    author       = { Sitaram, Ashwin and Römer, Jelle and Theunisz, Jurriën and Massar, Marnix and Mook, Niels and Kegeleers, Marie and Bidarra, Rafael },    
    title        = { Wrath of Osiris: surviving boredom and collapsing pyramids in times of isolation },
    booktitle    = { In Proceedings of FDG },
    year         = { 2020 },
    note         = { Games and Demos Track },
    url          = { },