In Proceedings of SimVis
Interactive simulation and comparative visualisation of the bone-determined range of motion of the human shoulder
Pre-operative planning systems aid clinicians by giving insight into patient-specific issues before surgery is performed. The ability to perform a virtual shoulder replacement procedure enables the surgeon to explore the probable and plausible outcomes. Pre-operative planning software assists the surgeon in this complex decision-making process. In our prototype pre-operative planning system for shoulder replacement, we create patient-specific bone-determined range of motion (ROM) predictions based on collision detection using segmented CT-data. The gleno-humeral ROM is visualised with motion envelopes, that indicate the maximum range of motion of the humerus in every direction. The prosthesis placement parameters can be adjusted interactively in our simulator, during which a novel visualisation technique depicts the differences between the current and previous range of motion. In this paper we present a fast and efficient method for highly interactive visualisation of collision detection based ROM for the gleno-humeral joint. We are able to show in real-time the consequences of adjustments made to a planned shoulder prosthesis alignment by using geometry clipping-based optimisation, as well as precalculation and interpolation techniques.
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@inproceedings{bib:krekel:2006, author = { Krekel, Peter R. and Botha, Charl P. and Valstar, Edward R. and de Bruin, P.W. and Rozing, Piet M. and Post, Frits H. }, title = { Interactive simulation and comparative visualisation of the bone-determined range of motion of the human shoulder }, booktitle = { In Proceedings of SimVis }, year = { 2006 }, pages = { 275--288 }, dblp = { conf/simvis/KrekelBVBRP06 }, url = { }, }