In Proceedings of ECCV (33)
Unbiased Gradient Estimation for Differentiable Surface Splatting via Poisson Sampling
We propose an efficient and GPU-accelerated sampling framework which enables unbiased gradient approximation for differentiable point cloud rendering based on surface splatting. Our framework models the contribution of a point to the rendered image as a probability distribution. We derive an unbiased approximative gradient for the rendering function within this model. To efficiently evaluate the proposed sample estimate, we introduce a tree-based data-structure which employs multipole methods to draw samples in near linear time. Our gradient estimator allows us to avoid regularization required by previous methods, leading to a more faithful shape recovery from images. Furthermore, we validate that these improvements are applicable to real-world applications by refining the camera poses and point cloud obtained from a real-time SLAM system. Finally, employing our framework in a neural rendering setting optimizes both the point cloud and network parameters, highlighting the framework’s ability to enhance data driven approaches.
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@inproceedings{bib:müller:2022, author = { Müller, Jan U. and Weinmann, Michael and Klein, Reinhard }, title = { Unbiased Gradient Estimation for Differentiable Surface Splatting via Poisson Sampling }, booktitle = { In Proceedings of ECCV (33) }, year = { 2022 }, pages = { 281--299 }, publisher = { Springer Nature Switzerland }, doi = { 10.1007/978-3-031-19827-4_17 }, dblp = { conf/eccv/MullerWK22 }, url = { }, }