In Proceedings of Medical Imaging: Image Processing

Determination of position and radius of ball joints

Marjolein van der Glas, F.M. Vos, Charl P. Botha, and A.M. Vossepoel

For successful ball-joint replacement surgery, it is important to maintain the joint's geometric center. Pre-operative detection of this center is achieved by detecting the sphere that fits onto the articular surfaces in CT or MRI images. We have developed a novel technique to automatically determine the sub-voxel position and size of a sphere in unsegmented 3D images. The method is invariant to size and robust to noise. It only needs one fourth of a sphere to detect the center. Isotropically as well as anisotropically sampled images can be used. As no segmentation is required, it can be applied directly to clinical images.

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Marjolein van der Glas, F.M. Vos, Charl P. Botha, and A.M. Vossepoel, Determination of position and radius of ball joints, In Proceedings of Medical Imaging: Image Processing, 2002.


@inproceedings{bib:van der glas:2002,
    author       = { van der Glas, Marjolein and Vos, F.M. and Botha, Charl P. and Vossepoel, A.M. },    
    title        = { Determination of position and radius of ball joints },
    booktitle    = { In Proceedings of Medical Imaging: Image Processing },
    year         = { 2002 },
    note         = { spiemi2002-4684 },
    doi          = { 10.1117/12.467126 },
    dblp         = { conf/miip/GlasVBV02 },
    url          = { },