In Proceedings of ICPR (3)
A Statistical Shape Model without Using Landmarks
This paper describes the construction of a statistical shape model based on the iterative closest point algorithm. The method does not require manual nor automatic identification of explicit landmarks on example shapes. Corresponding features are found by retrieving the nearest points via interpolation along the surface. The application to analyse carpal bone shape renders evidence that the lunate bone occurs in distinct types.
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@inproceedings{bib:vos:2004, author = { Vos, F.M. and de Bruin, P.W. and Aubel, J.G.M. and Streekstra, G. J. and Maas, M. and van Vliet, L.J. and Vossepoel, A.M. }, title = { A Statistical Shape Model without Using Landmarks }, booktitle = { In Proceedings of ICPR (3) }, year = { 2004 }, pages = { 714--717 }, doi = { 10.1109/ICPR.2004.1334628 }, dblp = { conf/icpr/VosBASMVV04 }, url = { }, }