In Proceedings of ASCI 2004 : proceedings of the tenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, Ouddorp, The Netherlands, June 2-4, 2004

Features for the automatic detection of pulmonary embolism in contrast-enhanced CT images

H. Bouma, Anna Vilanova, M.J. Quist, and F.A. Gerritsen


H. Bouma, Anna Vilanova, M.J. Quist, and F.A. Gerritsen, Features for the automatic detection of pulmonary embolism in contrast-enhanced CT images, In Proceedings of ASCI 2004 : proceedings of the tenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, Ouddorp, The Netherlands, June 2-4, 2004, pp. 269–274, 2004.


    author       = { Bouma, H. and Vilanova, Anna and Quist, M.J. and Gerritsen, F.A. },    
    title        = {  Features for the automatic detection of pulmonary embolism in contrast-enhanced CT images },
    booktitle    = { In Proceedings of ASCI 2004 : proceedings of the tenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging,                   Ouddorp, The Netherlands, June 2-4, 2004 },
    editors      = { van Wijk,J.J. and Heijnsdijk,J.W.J. and Langendoen,K.G. and Veltkamp,R. },
    year         = { 2004 },
    pages        = { 269--274 },
    publisher    = { Delft },
    address      = { Advanced School for Computing and Imaging },
    note         = { Proceedings ASCI 2004 Port Zelande },
    url          = { },