The visualisation of ROM by means of envelopes.
Peter R. Krekel, Charl P. Botha, Edward R. Valstar, P.W. de Bruin, Piet M. Rozing, and Frits H. Post
In Proceedings of SimVis, 2006
From left to right: Axial slice with boxed polyp; enlarged polyp, squares denote two locations, the left one is in air and the right one inside the polyp; Gaussian filtered result (σ =2.0 mm); Bilateral filtered result (σ dis = 3.0 mm and σ int = 250 HU)
G.A.F. Schoonenberg, A.H. de Vries, S.E. Grigorescu, J. Peters, Anna Vilanova, et al.
In Proceedings of Medical imaging 2006 - Physiology, function, and structure from medical images, 2006
 Slice of the MRI of the heart taken from the down-up sequence.
André Maximo, Ricardo Marroquim, Claudio Esperança, Rodrigo dos Santos, Cristiana Bentes, and Ricardo Farias
In Proceedings of Workshop on High Performance Computing in the Life Sciences - HPCLife, 2006
Jorik Blaas, Charl P. Botha, Bart Peters, F.M. Vos, and Frits H. Post
In Proceedings of ASCI 2006 - Proceedings of the 12th annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, 2006
T. Heus, H.J.J. Jonker, Eric Griffith, and Frits H. Post
In Proceedings of 17th AMS Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 2006
Streamlines of curvature on the implicit iso-surface embedded in an artificial 3D volume
Lingxiao Zhao, Charl P. Botha, Javier Olivan Bescos, R. Truyen, F.M. Vos, and Frits H. Post
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2006
A CT dataset, missing a major part of the facial structures, which hinders the registration process.
D. Ruijters, M. Vermeer, Anna Vilanova, and P. Suetens
In Proceedings of Belgian day on biomedical engineering IEEE/EMBS Benelux symposium, Brussels, Belgium, December 7-8, 2006, 2006
Abdominal CT scan
P. Sereda, Anna Vilanova, and F.A. Gerritsen
In Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2006
SimPort Game View
Jeroen Warmerdam, Maxim Knepfle, Rafael Bidarra, Geertje Bekebrede, and Igor Mayer
CGames, 2006
P.W. de Bruin, Charl P. Botha, Berend C. Stoel, Edward R. Valstar, and Piet M. Rozing
In Proceedings of 19th Annual Symposium International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA), 2006
Fibers tracked in the brain of a healthy volunteer
T.H.J.M. Peeters, Anna Vilanova, and B.M. ter Haar Romeny
In Proceedings of ASCI 2006 : proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, 2006
From left to right, the five steps of the segmentation procedure: input section, thresholding on hue, binary dilation to close contour, background artifact removal, filling the remaining holes in the mask
Joris van Zwieten, Charl P. Botha, Ben Willekens, Sander Schutte, Frits H. Post, and Huib Simonsz
In Proceedings of ICIAR (2), 2006
The cutting plane can be moved along its normal within the range of selected locations.
M. Mlejnek, P. Ermes, Anna Vilanova, R. van der Rijt, H.C.M. van den Bosch, et al.
In Proceedings of EuroVis, 2006
The exploratory VE in use
Eric Griffith, Michal Koutek, Frits H. Post, T. Heus, and H.J.J. Jonker
In Proceedings of VRST, 2006
Ricardo Marroquim, André Maximo, Ricardo Farias, and Claudio Esperança
In Proceedings of SIBGRAPI, 2006
Overview of the transmittance shadow map algorithm - here with 24 slices stored in RGB channels of 8 bits
Elmar Eisemann and Xavier Decoret
In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Sketches, 2006


G.L.T.F. Hautvast, Marcel Breeuwer, S. Lobregt, Anna Vilanova, and F.A. Gerritsen
In Proceedings of CARS 2005 : computer assisted radiology and surgery ; proceedings of the 19th international congress and exhibition, Berlin, Germany, June 22 - 25, 2005, 2005
Daniel Lourenco, Pedro Oliveira, and Rafael Bidarra
In Proceedings of 13th Portuguese Conference on Computer Graphics, 2005
G.L.T.F. Hautvast, S. Lobregt, Marcel Breeuwer, Anna Vilanova, and F.A. Gerritsen
Jorik Blaas, Charl P. Botha, Bart Peters, F.M. Vos, and Frits H. Post
In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization, 2005